Muslim girl dating white guy

Dating > Muslim girl dating white guy

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To the neighbour who tsk-tsked at my life choices, I would like to extend my tender invitation to a home cooked Indo-French meal. Scared, I ducked and pulled away. Most of the guys that I met flirt with non-Arab girls just for a night. Dating such a girl is definitely worth it. You just won the lottery. Muslim Values in a Relationship Most Muslims take dating highly seriously and are looking for straight forward women of substance. Solo is life really, anyways. I was convinced that I would never find anyone to love after him. Is it a 2 in 1 hijabiniqabi. A Christian is someone who is saved by the death and resurrection of Christ and who follows Jesus as Lord.

However it does mean taking on a very strong set of beliefs and a very different culture. Muslim men are very passionate about their beliefs and their traditions and many people will see this as a highly attractive quality. It is expected for there to be a shared belief in a single God, though this will depend again on the personal discretion of the man. Depending on how devout the man is, there are also many things to consider practically and there might be some sacrifices that you are not prepared to make. All this should be discussed with your partner before the relationship progresses past a certain point. Forget Stereotypes The first thing to do is to drop any preconceived notions you have of Muslims. At the present time Muslims are not getting the best press, and this is of course due to extremism. Recognise that the views of Muslim extremists do not reflect the views of other Muslims, and most Muslims are extremely peace loving men. Mohamed Ali for instance was Muslim, and this is why he opted to be a conscientious objector during the war and subsequently was stripped of his title. Approach your dating with Muslim men as you would with any other man — judge him on his own merits and keep an open mind. Muslim Values in a Relationship Most Muslims take dating highly seriously and are looking for straight forward women of substance. Thus you need to expect a serious and lasting relationship and in general to be ready to commit. You will also need to be respectful of the Muslim faith around his family. Again this will depend very much on the Muslim man in question and how strictly he adheres to his faith and what his own personal views are. However as a rule, a Muslim man is forbidden to date other than to find a spouse, so expect relationships to be taken very seriously. Another aspect to consider is that if you are to marry a Muslim, he will likely very strongly push for children to be raised in the Muslim faith. While many people are comfortable with their partner having different views, it can sometimes become an issue when it comes to choosing a religion for your children. This is something to consider and discuss. Faithfulness Faithfulness is taken very seriously by Muslim men and they will be very strict on women who they perceive as having cheated on them. However it is actually acceptable in Islam for Muslim men to have up to four wives, and obviously to date outside of the marriage in order to find these wives. To many Western women this could be seen as hypocrisy and it is something that many will not be comfortable with. Fortunately the majority of modern Muslims living in the West will opt to settle for just one, but again this is something that you will definitely need to discuss before dating you Muslim man. Sometimes this will result in the children being sent to Islamic countries possibly not to return. This might sound highly bleak for many Western women and be highly off putting. However although Islam highly stresses the importance of conformity and is generally one of the most devout religions in the world, the extent to which your partner wishes to follow the religion will still come down to the individual — particularly if they were raised in the West. A combination of liberal Western views and traditional Muslim beliefs about family could result in a relationship with a man who is highly caring and dedicated. What is important then is that you discuss all these aspects of his beliefs and make sure that you can find some common ground before the relationship progresses too far. Whoever says the article is islamophobia is wrong. I am married to a Muslim man and I can definitely confirm that this how Muslims are and most of the Muslims won't deny it. I suggest anyone who thinks this article is islamophobia should read the Quran and hadiths and maybe listen to what imams say — you will be surprised. However, death as a punishment for disobedience is untrue, most Muslim men won't do that, only crazy ones just like around the world — some men would kill their wives for unfounded reasons — look at Central America, the way they treat women there is horrendous! DISCLAIMER: By printing, downloading, or using you agree to our full terms. Review the full terms at the following URL:. If you do not agree to the full terms, do not use the information. We are only publishers of this material, not authors. Information may have errors or be outdated. The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. 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